About My Chronic Illness

Orthostatic Hypotension

My blood pressure drops whenever I stand up, essentially.


 My heart rate skyrocketing by 40-60 bpm when I stand.  (which is POTS.)

Neurocardiogenic Syncope

Fancy word for a disconnect between your brain and heart which causes you to faint.


Which causes all this crap.

The Story

In the beginning I was dizzy (like all the time). I went to a GP or PCP (depending on country.)  She said I had OH. She put me on antidepressants for some reason. After that, I said my heart was racing- she gave me a 24 hour heart monitor which came back normal. Then, I started fainting- (35-ish times total.) She said my faints were seizures, after which, during an EEG, I had a nonepileptic one. I was then diagnosed with conversion disorder and was put on more antidepressants. Then my mother and I sought a second opinion from another GP, who took me off the antidepressants and waited to reevaluate. The next day, I fainted eleven times- that night, I was taken to ED by my dad. A doctor there mentioned a condition called POTS. Strangely, in ED, I was given a saline solution which made me feel absolutely normal again. I came back with hyperthyroidism in ED- after a second blood test, it was normal. When the GP called my mum about my test results, he finally agreed to refer us to a cardiologist, who was strangely only a physician’s assistant. She talked about NCS and POTS and puts me on Florinef- a medication that is supposed to make my kidneys retain more salt. I had another cardiologist’s appointment April 20 with an actual doctor- they told me to exercise more, to get cured,which didn't work. So now I'm where I'm supposed to be in physical therapy. As far as mobility goes, I have been having trouble. But now, I' having strange-o GI symptoms and I'm hypermobile. #symptomwhackamole


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